
Known asRan
Origin"Made by Mommy!"
(Built by Kalinka Cossack)
RaceSelf-aware robot
ProfessionTrigger-happy lackey

Ran is, in many ways, still a child. Although many years have passed since he was first built, he remains somewhat naive and open to suggestion. He is patient, slow to anger, very companionable, and aims to please — even when it is against his better judgment. It is likely that he is completely incapable of hate or malice. When a foe invites him to shoot them with his tiny blaster, he will do so with a cheerful smile.

Biography / History
Ran was built by Kalinka Cossack, daughter of the Russian mechanical genius, Dr. Cossack. Kalinka wanted to build a self-aware masterpiece for the 13th Annual All-Soviet Science Fair, but it was harder than she thought, so she threw Ran together instead. Unfortunately, Ran lost to a poorly crafted papier-mâche volcano. This may be blamed on a scientist by the name of Wily, but no one would suspect him of stealing the brain of the digitalized Josef Stalin, would they? After many years, Ran ended up working for a villainous—as well as bodiless—comic author known as Plok. His only companion was a flea from New York City, who once operated a cab driver. When Plok tried to bequeath his author-hood to a peculiar color-reversed Mario statue, in order to focus on his villainy instead, Ran ended up working for the statue entity, who he knows only as "the puppy-dog person." He still works with flea as the new author's lackey, and is occasionally ordered out to explore the wilderness.

Physical Attributes
GenderNone (Masculine)
Height5 feet even
Weight132 pounds
HairArtificial, blonde
SkinFlesh-tone metal
Physical markingsNone
Apparent ageAbout 17

Zero to six, two average
Physical: TwoMagical: Zero
Intelligence: TwoAgility: Two
Spiritual: TwoStealth: Two
Appearance: ThreePsionics: Zero
Shapeshifting: Limited
Regeneration: Very strong

Eye-beamsRan's optical sensors are equipped with a lighting utility, effectively transforming them into twin flashlights. Obviously, this is useful for exploring dark or ill-illuminated places, especially in the company of those without special vision.
Teleport moduleAn internal device allows Ran to teleport to locations he has either visited previously, or has reference to (such as a very accurate map). The teleport may be blocked in a variety of ways, ranging from special metals to magnetic jamming fields. If such a measure is used, the teleport will "bounce" and send Ran to the edge of the interference. The teleport can be recognized from a distance by its unique sound. Bawoop!
Communicator radarRan also has an internally installed communicator device, capable of broadcasting on a number of frequencies. It can be jammed, but with more difficulty than his teleport. The communicator doubles as a form of radar by detecting unusual sources of energy using radio waves, not unlike a form of robot sonar.
Cossack BlasterRan's primary weapon is the Cossack Blaster. This powerful energy weapon is normally not visible, but at will, Ran may convert his right arm into a blaster by withdrawing the hand into a shaft, exposing the blaster barrel on his wrist. Unfortunately, a single blast from this weapon is enough to completely drain Ran's weapon energy. However, after just one shot, most opponents are completely disintegrated anyway.
Ran RegeneratorWhile not actually upon his person, Ran has access to a device known as the Ran Regenerator. Also built by Kalinka, it is shaped in the form of a cylindrical chamber with a hammer-and-sickle stamped on the top. The machine automatically builds a single replica of Ran from cheap Soviet parts. When Ran is killed, the machine teleports the replica into the area and downloads his memory into the copy. Then it quickly builds a new replica, ready to repeat the process as many times as necessary. A new Ran can be built and transported into the area mere seconds after the death of the "original." Thus, Ran is nearly immortal, despite being remarkably easy to kill.

Skills / Techniques / Powers
Copy powerDuring a visit to Dr. Thomas Light's laboratories, Ran's Cossack Blaster was upgraded with the capability of copying the powers of enemies. By coming into non-lethal contact with an opponent, Ran may download information about their powers and emulate them himself. This transforms his armor into a similar design as the enemy. However, the nature of the Cossack Blaster does not change. After a single use of the copied power, its energy is completely used up. Just like the normal blast, the copied power will be extremely potent.
Ran shieldNot a literal shield, but as Ran is killed again and again, the deactivated units left behind will begin to pile up. Although his circuitry is very fragile, Ran's actual body is constructed of surprisingly sturdy parts. These bodies can be used as a barricade, tied together for a raft, thrown as useful projectiles, and numerous other things. Note that they cannot be reactivated, however, due to the manner that Ran's memory is transfered from one replica to another.

Fragile circuitryRan's external body is made out of cheap, but sturdy metal parts. However, his circuitry suffers from the shoddy craftsmanship. The slightest bump can knock vital programming out of alignment, deactivating him.
High weapons costAny use of the Cossack Buster will be the last use Ran will get out of it for awhile. The Ran Regenerator doesn't have the capability to recharge his blaster when it builds each replica, so once Ran attacks, he must find a source of energy to refill the weapon.